I teach weekly classes at Alpha Dog K9 in Medway. Each session is six weeks long with a maximum of 6 dogs per class. Each dog is worked individually and will get at least two turns up. Classes are cumulative, so teams must complete one level before moving onto the next. Check our class calendar to see what we are currently offering for weekly classes.
Class descriptions:
Level 1: Intro to nose work
At level 1 we introduce the dog to the activity of nose work, building the dog’s desire to independently, while also training the handler how to read their dog’s unique hunting behaviors and pick up on subtle signals that communicate to the handler that the dog is “working scent.” In this session, the dogs will be hunting for their primary reward (food or toy). (6-week session)
Level 2: Intro to new nose work venues
At level 2 is we continue to build the dog’s desire to hunt independently while introducing the dog to different search venues, such as exteriors and vehicles. We will continue to train the handler how to read their dog’s unique hunting behaviors and to pick up on those subtle signals that communicate to the handler that the dog is “working scent.” Dog teams enrolled in Level 2 must have completed level 1. In this session, dogs will continue to hunt for their primary reward (food or toy). (6-week session)
Level 3: Intro to odor — birch
At level 3 is we continue to strengthen the dog’s natural hunting abilities and the working relationship developing between you and your canine partner, and also introduce the odor of birch. Birch is one of the three target odors used for competition. It is paired with the dog’s primary reward (food/toy) so that the dog begins to develop a sense of value for the target odor. Dog teams enrolled in level 3 must have completed level 2. (6-week session)
Level 4: Intro to odor — anise/clove
Level 4 is where we introduce the dog to the remaining two target odors, essential oils of anise and clove. Additionally, we will continue to work on handler skills and the dog’s ability to independently and reliability hunt for all three target odors. Dog teams enrolled in level 4 must have completed level 3 and must exhibit certain minimum proficiency skills in finding the initial target odor. (6-week session)
Level 5: Different scenting venues with odor
Level 5 is where we continue to increase both the dog’s desire to hunt for the target odors and the handler’s and the dog’s ability to work together as a team in solving progressively more challenging search problems. Dog handling techniques for on- and off-leash work as well as search strategies will be discussed in these classes. Dog teams enrolled in level 5 must have completed level 4 and must exhibit certain minimum proficiency skills in finding the remaining two target odors. (6-week session)
Level 6: Continuing nose work/trial prep
Level 6 is where we continue to increase the handler’s and the dog’s ability to work together as a team in solving progressively more challenging search problems for NW1-level. Dog handling techniques for on- and off-leash work as well as search strategies will be further refined at this level. Dog teams enrolled in level 6 must be on birch odor and hunting independently.